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In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2015 Service Pack 1, which fixes or addresses a variety of issues discovered by Autodesk's internal testing team and by customers using the Customer Error Reporting Utility.

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  • This Service Pack applies to all language versions of Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015.
  • Be sure to close Civil 3D and any other AutoCAD based application before installing this Service Pack.
  • If, during installation, the prompt 'Automatically close applications and attempt to restart them after setup is complete' is displayed, choose this option and continue the installation.
  • If your system is not automatically rebooted as part of the Service Pack installation, reboot your system after the installation is complete.
  • Please view the readme file for instructions on how to uninstall this Service Pack.
  • Before applying this Service Pack, export user profile customizations to a secure location. Customizations include changes made to support file search paths, print file customizations, printer support file paths, redirections, custom template settings, etc. After successful installation of this Service Pack, import and reapply the customizations.

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C3D2015_x64_SP1.0.exe(exe - 36.51Mb)

Readme (select language version):

  • Excellent program for the design of buildings and structures. Thanks to the author of the project!

  • FreeCad has potential good features but somehow is not intuitive to use. Raymond chang fisicoquimica pdf. It is time for a clean sheet startover in regards to user features. This is a computer program! There is too much guess work for the user. 'Errors' occur with no explanation. There are too many Navigation Styles requiring changing from one to another to utilize every feature. Simple processes are missing such as multiple duplications in a radial pattern in the Sketcher. Maybe I'm just spoiled after using Inventor for 15-20 years. Use engineering terminology in the helps. Carry on.

  • Version 0.16 was fine is worked well enough. Version 0.17 is un- usable creating anything it just tells you it isn't a body or that it's a legacy item, even when you have just made it in 0.17. FreeCAD.. retire 0.17 nice try

  • People who continue to download and rate FreeCAD here: please look below in the project summary, FREECAD MOVED FROM SOURCEFORGE MORE THAN 2 YEARS AGO!!!!! FreeCAD v0.17 was released in April 2018 and v0.18 is in active development. Please go to the official FreeCAD website which has an up-to-date download link: freecadweb dot org To those who complain about the unstable nature of FreeCAD: this is not the experience of most FreeCAD users. Did you actually download the latest version? To those who complain about the FreeCAD interface: granted it has a lot of room for improvements, and devs work on it. But they are all *volunteers* who contribute *in their own free time*, please remember that. Plus, anyone who's used parametric CAD software will tell you that without a minimum of training you won't be able to do much of anything. Stop wasting your time here, go to where all is happening, and register to the FreeCAD forum where people will be happy to help you.

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